Nuneaton Signs Raising funds for Charity

Here at Nuneaton Signs we like to do our bit for charity and raise much needed funds for the various organisations out there.

In October we Wear it Pink for Breast Cancer Research.

In February we Wear it Beat it for British Heart Foundation

But we still wanted to do more so we decided that we would start doing dress down Friday’s and each week we would donate £1 and wear what we wanted.

We decided that rather than just donating to one charity, everyone that takes part can nominate a charity of their choice and we have put all the different charities names into a hat and at the end of the month we will pick out one name and the amount we have raised for that month will be donated to the chosen charity and we will keep all the names in the hat until they have all gone this way everyone that takes part will get a donation to their charity.

We all have fun and get to wear what we want on Fridays as well as doing our bit for the charities.

We started doing this in April 2015 and our first donation went to    Cardiac Risk in the Young

Our May 2015 collection went to Cancer Research UK

Other charities in our list to donate to are

Aspire  A spinal injuries charity

Zoe’s Place  A baby hospice

Headway x2  A head injury Charity

Muscular Dystrophy

Cancer Research UK x2

Coventry Scouts  Local Scout Group

PDSA  A pet Charity

British heart Foundation

NSPCC  Children’s Charity


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