Nuneaton Signs Limited has prepared a large banner for the England under 13 Ice Hockey Club. The team has entered a “Pee-Wee” international tournament in Quebec Canada, where they were pleased to have reached the quarter finals of the tournament. The coach of the national squad pointed out it was great to receive the banner from Nuneaton Signs Limited, it travelled with the side wherever they played, and along with the tournament stickers the company produced for all the national team. The Coach commented “it shows what can be achieved by companies supporting not only the team, but the sport as a whole.”
Nuneaton Signs Limited have supported the Coventry Blaze Ice Hockey team in the past, along with a member of the successful tour team that went to Canada, Liam.
Liam is 12 years old and is a member of the “Blaze “ under 13 team, as well as the UK Conference side, along with his appearances for the National team. “Liam is starting out on a long road to achieve the standard necessary to become a member of the “Blaze” first team but his determination and dedication will get him through”, said his Grandfather Pete, who works in the engineering department at Nuneaton Signs.